You’ve probably scrolled past the hashtag #WeDoHardThings, maybe even muttered it to yourself after an intense workout or a particularly brutal day. But what's the real deal behind embracing the tough stuff and pushing ourselves beyond our cosy comfort zones? Well, strap in because it's more than just flexing our muscles or running a long distance, it's about flexing our mental muscle too!

Picture this: it’s the crack of dawn, not a bird is chirping because it’s either too early or too cold but there you are, already pounding the pavement while the rest of the world is snug in their beds. This is what it’s like for me. It’s my personal rebellion against the snooze button, a daily showdown with my inner couch potato. Why? Because chasing dreams isn’t a spectator sport. Nobody, not even my partner, understand that it’s really a full-contact endeavour that demands guts, grit, and a good playlist.
Sure, doing hard things means sacrificing the occasional Netflix binge for an early bedtime or swapping out Friday night partying so that I can be well rested and recovered for the Saturday LSD. And as a mom of two youngsters, it’s even harder because you have to also show up to their extramural activities and this means, early Saturday morning soccer followed by a long run in the middle of the day. But I know that every time I resist the cosy blanket for a run or a gym session, I’m one step closer to achieving my audacious goals.
Every time I conquer a challenge, whether it’s a mountain of laundry or an actual mountain trail, I emerge stronger, sassier, and more unstoppable than ever before. Take Two Oceans for example – I put in the work, I did the things and I had one of the best races of my life. Now I think I can challenge Gerda next year LOL (noreally, hahahaa I’m joking). Hard things aren’t just hurdles; they’re springboards propelling me toward my wildest dreams. And being surrounded by like-minded people makes the journey that much sweeter. Besides, you’re not going to befriend the class clown if you want to get straight A’s right?
Embrace the discomfort, defy the odds, and show the world what you are made of. Because when we choose to do hard things, we’re not just chasing goals; we’re chasing greatness. And trust me, that’s a journey worth every blister, every setback, and every triumphant fist pump along the way. But you shouldn’t get blisters if you wear the right socks and shoes (ask Eric to lace up your shoes for you, he is really good at it).
Next time you say “we do hard things”, make sure it’s not just a phrase you want to use to look cool. But actually, DO hard things.