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Megz Valentine

Megz is well loved here at MLH, and it’s no surprise why. 🫶 She’s bubbly, positive and infectious - always with the bestdntir, eyelashes and nails too. 💅 She’s rivaled only by Faizel when it comes to the number of pics taken per session. 📷

Recently she’s taken on trail running, ⛰️and it’s been a joy watching her conquer the path less traveled. Dedicating herself (and encouraging a big group of friends to join) she went about stacking vert and dirt track miles in preparation for @georgemountainultratrail . ⚡️Those two month of hard work paid off, and we’re proud to welcome her home a MUT finisher. Read the Q&A below to get to know her better.

Your go to mantra?

One foot infront of the other ,keep going I’m doing better than my last run, keep pushing ur limits

How did you get’into running?

My running journey started in January 2022 to keep fit and healthy. I gathered a small group of friends and every other morning we ran up Kendall Road.At that time,running 5k felt like alot-we would run to one pole and walk to the next.After 3 wks ,one of my clients, who had become like family to me,forced me into signing up my 1st 21k peninsula. With only 3 wks practice on Kendall Road,I took on the challenge. My dad, a former runner was my inspiration and mentor.If he believed in me,then I knew I could ace this race.I did something I never thought I could do, the bug bit me right after that race .I now do all my races in honor of my dad

Making him proud brings me so much joy.

Tell us about MUT and starting trail?

I started a new thing about 2mnths ago I took on the mountains /trails & conquered my 1st ever longest trail race I’m a MUT finisher ..

The MLH crew was one of the best choices I made to join them I dnt think my journey would of been as amazing as it I’d meeting all of them was good for me I love them all we like 1 big family


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